Friday, May 13, 2011

Now I, too, can be 78 percent more self important

I've held off on venturing into the world of blogdom this long because, let's be honest, they can be pretty self indulgent, often in uninteresting ways.

But now that I'm forsaking my life in California for the more exotic climes of New Orleans, I figured I'd actually try to keep in touch with people.

Here I will chronicle my love/hate relationship with the inimical beast pictured above, as well as pontificate upon topics including, but not limited to: books, travel, bacons, grad school and New Orleans (once I make it there in August), rainbows, sun dogs, and unicorns.

More to come!


  1. is that squirrel dead or just dreaming of bacons dancing in his head? if the former, did you hit it with your bike?

  2. Wahoo for a blog. I look forward to more bacon posts :)

  3. Tell us more about scrapple, Betsy!
